Is there a sense that all has been made well at the end of Hamlet?

Is there a sense that all has been made well at the end of Hamlet?

The genre of Shakespeare’s play usually helps to make the general point or convey the central meaning of the story. It is not by a chance that Hamlet is a tragedy and most of the heroes including Hamlet himself die. The sad end of the story is a logical conclusion of the play.

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The genre of Shakespeare’s play usually helps to make the general point or convey the central meaning of the story. It is not by a chance that Hamlet is a tragedy and most of the heroes including Hamlet himself die. The sad end of the story is a logical conclusion of the play.



According to the task, we can change only the end of the story, not the characters. Hamlet is a tragic hero by definition. Hamlet, as a tragic hero essay writer free has the potential for greatness but is doomed to fail. He is trapped in a situation where he cannot win. He makes some sort of tragic flaw, and this causes his fall from greatness. Even though he is a fallen hero, he still wins a moral victory, and his spirit lives on. Hamlet wins a moral battle, but is supposed to die to be a real tragic hero.



Everything that happens in the play happens not by chance, but is very important for the main idea. Shakespeare also lets Hamlet die to show that he does not give his ideas, believes, and view on life. Hamlet paid a dear price for his believes and truth.



The tragic final of the play strengthens the impression of the play and makes us think about different meanings after we read or watch the play. Dramatic events capture our attention. Deaths and sufferings make share the feelings of the heroes with great sympathy. The tension in the play grows till the final scene when the heroes are killed.





Evil that Hamlet has seen in the surrounding world has shocked Hamlet. After the death of his father he does not want to live himself. He is thinking about suicide. From the beginning of the play Hamlet thinks about death and is moving to it. Hamlet is constantly thinking about the death. It is constantly implied that it is better to die for the idea than to exist surrounded by evil. Hamlet is constantly thinking about leaving this life and evil. Throughout the play this feeling only strengthens in the hero. “To be or not to be” can be interpreted as “to live or not to live” question. For Hamlet the life is so difficult that it seems he is capable of suicide. By the end of the play Hamlet is absolutely not afraid of the death. Life is not excited for Hamlet anymore. He dreams about death.



Death seems to be the logical end especially for Hamlet. I do not see another end for him. If he continues to live, it would mean that he gave up his ideas and reconciles with evil. Hamlet, on the other hand, dies as a free philosopher. He dies as a warrior for his ideals and truth.



Student essay



If you are trying to write a student essay read our example of one of them. It will be useful for you. So here we give you a short essay on Moliere’s “The Stone Guest”.



Traditional images, themes, motifs arise, as a rule, mostly in the national folklore, history and literature. Many of them transferred to other literature, acquiring at the same identities of various updates and interpretations on the basis of other nationalities. The most common is the ancient, biblical, medieval imagery and motifs, often called the world. The first in the literature on this famous folk character called Spanish dramatist Tirso de Molina (approximately 1570 – 1648th years of life) in the philosophical and religious drama of the baroque plan of Seville fool, or the “Stone Guest”. In the product not only debunked the court favoritism as a cause of impunity dissolute aristocrats. Here the inherent primarily men convicted for his earthly deeds, the sins before God, before whom must give account, and wine to the society elite strata, the higher castes, who have lived essentially on immoral principles.



Son of Don Juan’s favorite courtier of the play Tirso de Molina disbanded long impunity, considering together with the fact that he has enough time in the future, pray for forgiveness for the sins before God and before men. His profligate actions defy God, and therefore prompted the chimney of the statue, which punishes a blasphemer, is seen in the drama as the Supreme Court over the apostate from the earthly and heavenly laws. Since the product of the playwright interpreted famous folk story about the wicked deed retribution over Fireplace-profile speakers actually punishing sword.





The king at the request of profane and offended people was forced to condemn the court’s favorite: the offender and judge the sky, and public morality laws. Since the play’s author is trying to address two key issues of drama – the religious-philosophical and socio-moral.



In its own way has been interpreted by the classical principles of the image of the seducer and blasphemer in the comedy of Moliere’s Don Juan kingessays or “The Stone Guest”- actually, in the best of the French version of the world theme. Play in which a lot of the comic (in fact, this is a serious comedy of social plan) is first and foremost and class direction in interpretation of good and evil: in fact a cynic, swindler, tyrant, frank blasphemer Don Giovanni is a nobleman, an aristocrat. It is this caste privilege allows you to commit any crimes, motivated by selfish instincts of the libertine and a certain measure of liberal tendencies of Renaissance philosophy, with its emphatic attention to the emancipation of the rights and freedoms.



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